The problem with pharmaceuticals being dispensed so readily is that they can essentially be dispensed for anything under the sun. I once went to my nurse practitioner and suggested that I wanted to quit smoking. (On the intake, she asked if I smoked and rather than lie, I was open about it, but also mentioned intending on quitting.) She replied quickly "Oh, we have a prescription that'll help you with that!" I was surprised, but at the wee age of 18, what did I know? I got the prescription and tried out the (pink?) pill that kinda reminded me of advil. (Mind you, I don't have any pharmaceuticals in my house except for leftover pain killers and muscle relaxers that I never used when I broke my collar bone.) I took the pill for a while and realized I started to feel "funny." I can't remember if I stopped smoking or not, I think the feeling "funny" actually stressed me out a little more, so I could have essentially doubled the amount of smoke I was ingesting, which couldn't be good as a contraindication. I did a little research on the med and realized that what I had been prescribed was an antidepressant. I was furious. I was betrayed. I felt someone had pulled the wool over my eyes. Surely, if it had worked it may have been okay, or if there was an initial emotional unstability that could have led to the smoking, sure, I could have gone for it...but in this case, I DIDN'T need it! And it was suggested as I did. Needless to say now, I do as much research as I can, having also been prescribed Celebrex in large doses before it came off the market. What a business!!
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